[cmdbuild] Hotkey=B // Cancel [cmdcancel] Hotkey=27 // Cancel Build [cmdcancelbuild] Hotkey=27 // Cancel Learn [cmdcanceltrain] Hotkey=27 // Cancel Revive [cmdcancelrevive] Hotkey=27 [sdro] Hotkey=Z // Train Footman [hfoo] Hotkey=A // Train Flying Machine [hgyr] Hotkey=A // Train Knight [hkni] Hotkey=E // Train Priest [hmpr] Hotkey=Z // Train Mortar Team [hmtm] Hotkey=Z // Train Peasant [hpea] Hotkey=A // Train Rifleman [hrif] Hotkey=Z // Train Sorceress [hsor] Hotkey=A // Train Spell Breaker [hspt] Hotkey=E // Train Siege Engine [hmtt] Hotkey=E [hrtt] Hotkey=E // Train Gryphon Rider [hgry] Hotkey=Z // Research Control Magic [rhss] Hotkey=D // Upgrade Forged Swords [rhme] Hotkey=A,A,A // Upgrade Gunpowder [rhra] Hotkey=Z,Z,Z // Upgrade Plating [rhar] Hotkey=Q,Q,Q // Upgrade Leather Armor [rhla] Hotkey=S,S,S [hcas] Hotkey=Q // Reveal [ahta] Hotkey=R // Summon Blood Mage [hblm] Hotkey=Q // Train Demolisher [ocat] Hotkey=E // Train Witch Doctor [odoc] Hotkey=Z // Train Grunt [ogru] Hotkey=A // Train Troll Headhunter [ohun] Hotkey=Z [otbk] Hotkey=Z // Train Kodo Beast [okod] Hotkey=E // Train Peon [opeo] Hotkey=A // Train Raider [orai] Hotkey=A // Train Shaman [oshm] Hotkey=A [apg2] Hotkey=A // Train Tauren [otau] Hotkey=Z // Train Troll Batrider [otbr] Hotkey=R // Train Wind Rider [owyv] Hotkey=Z // Train Spirit Walker [ospm] Hotkey=A [aetf] Hotkey=R // Upgrade Melee Weapons [rome] Hotkey=A,A,A // Upgrade Ranged Weapons [rora] Hotkey=Z,Z,Z // Upgrade Armor [roar] Hotkey=Q,Q,Q // Upgrade War Drums [rwdm] Hotkey=C // Upgrade Barricades [rosp] Hotkey=E,E,E // Berserker Upgrade [robk] Hotkey=S // Reinforced Defenses [rorb] Hotkey=D // Burning Oil [robf] Hotkey=D [ofrt] Hotkey=Q [orbr] Hotkey=O // Critical Strike [aocr] Researchhotkey=E // Summon Shadow Hunter [oshd] Hotkey=Q // Train Glaive Thrower [ebal] Hotkey=E // Train Chimaera [echm] Hotkey=A // Train Druid of the Claw [edoc] Hotkey=Z [ara2] Hotkey=A // Train Druid of the Talon [edot] Hotkey=Z [afa2] Hotkey=A // Train Wisp [ewsp] Hotkey=A // Train Huntress [esen] Hotkey=Z // Train Archer [earc] Hotkey=A // Train Dryad [edry] Hotkey=A // Train Hippogryph [ehip] Hotkey=A // Train Mountain Giant [emtg] Hotkey=E // Train Faerie Dragon [efdr] Hotkey=E // Upgrade Strength of the Moon [resm] Hotkey=A,A,A // Upgrade Strength of the Wild [resw] Hotkey=Z,Z,Z // Research Ultravision [reuv] Hotkey=E [reht] Hotkey=Q // Research Well Spring [rews] Hotkey=R [aroo] Hotkey=D // Create Ancient Protector [etrp] Hotkey=E // Create Tree of Life [etol] Hotkey=A [aenc] Hotkey=A [etoe] Hotkey=Q // Create Hunter’s Hall [edob] Hotkey=H // Create Ancient of War [eaom] Hotkey=R // Train Acolyte [uaco] Hotkey=A // Train Abomination [uabo] Hotkey=Z // Train Banshee [uban] Hotkey=Z [aams] Hotkey=Z [apos] Hotkey=E // Train Crypt Fiend [ucry] Hotkey=Z // Train Frost Wyrm [ufro] Hotkey=A // Train Gargoyle [ugar] Hotkey=E // Train Necromancer [unec] Hotkey=A // Train Obsidian Statue [uobs] Hotkey=E // Upgrade Unholy Strength [rume] Hotkey=A,A,A // Upgrade Creature Attack [rura] Hotkey=Z,Z,Z // Upgrade Unholy Armor [ruar] Hotkey=Q,Q,Q // Upgrade Creature Carapace [rucr] Hotkey=S,S,S [rusl] Hotkey=D [unp2] Hotkey=Q [abu3] Hotkey=A [nrob] Hotkey=Z [ans1] Hotkey=A Researchhotkey=A [ans2] Hotkey=A Researchhotkey=A [ans3] Hotkey=A Researchhotkey=A [anc1] Hotkey=Z Researchhotkey=Z [anc2] Hotkey=Z Researchhotkey=Z [anc3] Hotkey=Z Researchhotkey=Z [ang1] Hotkey=R Researchhotkey=R [ang2] Hotkey=R Researchhotkey=R [ang3] Hotkey=R Researchhotkey=R [asdg] Hotkey=B [asd2] Hotkey=B [asd3] Hotkey=B [nalm] Hotkey=X [nal2] Hotkey=X [nal3] Hotkey=X [anic] Hotkey=E Researchhotkey=E [ahbu] Hotkey=J [aobu] Hotkey=J [aubu] Hotkey=J // Move [cmdmove] Hotkey=A // Stop [cmdstop] Hotkey=Z // Hold [cmdholdpos] Hotkey=E // Attack [cmdattack] Hotkey=R // Repair [ahrp] Hotkey=S // Build Structure [cmdbuildhuman] Hotkey=W [ahbu] Hotkey=W // Call to Arms [amil] Hotkey=X Unhotkey=X // Build Townhall [htow] Hotkey=A // Build Barracks [hbar] Hotkey=Z // Build Lumber Mill [hlum] Hotkey=E // Build Blacksmith [hbla] Hotkey=R // Build Farm [hhou] Hotkey=Q // Build Altar of Kings [halt] Hotkey=S // Build Arcane Sanctum [hars] Hotkey=D // Build Workshop [harm] Hotkey=F // Build Scout Tower [hwtw] Hotkey=W // Build Gryphon Aviary [hgra] Hotkey=X // Build Arcane Vault [hvlt] Hotkey=C // Defend [adef] Hotkey=W Unhotkey=W // Spell Steal [asps] Hotkey=W Unhotkey=W // Control Magic [acmg] Hotkey=X // Slow [aslo] Hotkey=W Unhotkey=W // Invisibility [aivs] Hotkey=X // Polymorph [aply] Hotkey=C // Aerial Shackles [amls] Hotkey=W // Cloud [aclf] Hotkey=X // Flare [afla] Hotkey=W [undefined] Hotkey=A // Research Backpack [rhpm] Hotkey=R // Upgrade to Keep/Castle [hkee] Hotkey=W [hcas] Hotkey=W // Call to Arms [amic] Hotkey=X Unhotkey=X // Research Sundering Blades [rhsb] Hotkey=D // Research Animal War Training [rhan] Hotkey=C // Research Long Rifles [rhri] Hotkey=X // Research Defend [rhde] Hotkey=W // Upgrade Lumber Harvesting [rhlh] Hotkey=A,A,A // Upgrade Masonry [rhac] Hotkey=Z,Z,Z // Summon Archmage [hamg] Hotkey=W // Summon Mountain King [hmkg] Hotkey=X // Summon Paladin [hpal] Hotkey=C // Research Magic Sentry [rhse] Hotkey=C // Priest Training [rhpt] Hotkey=X,X,X // Sorceress Training [rhst] Hotkey=W,W,W // Research Flying Machine Bombs [rhgb] Hotkey=Q // Research Fragmentation Shards [rhfs] Hotkey=S // Research Barrage [rhrt] Hotkey=D // Rally [cmdrally] Hotkey=F // Research Flak Cannons [rhfc] Hotkey=W // Research Flare [rhfl] Hotkey=X // Upgrade to Guard Tower [hgtw] Hotkey=W // Upgrade to Cannon Tower [hctw] Hotkey=X // Upgrade to Arcane Tower [hatw] Hotkey=C // Train Dragonhawk Rider [hdhw] Hotkey=A // Research Cloud [rhcd] Hotkey=W // Research Storm Hammers [rhhb] Hotkey=X // Purchase Scroll of Regeneration [sreg] Hotkey=A // Purchase Mechanical Critter [mcri] Hotkey=E // Purchase Ivory Tower [tsct] Hotkey=F // Purchase Orb of Fire [ofr2] Hotkey=W // Purchase Staff of Sanctuary [ssan] Hotkey=X // Repair [arep] Hotkey=S Unhotkey=S // Gather [ahar] Hotkey=F Unhotkey=F // Build Structure [cmdbuildorc] Hotkey=W [aobu] Hotkey=W // Build Great Hall [ogre] Hotkey=A // Build Barracks [obar] Hotkey=Z // Build War Mill [ofor] Hotkey=E // Build Watch Tower [owtw] Hotkey=R // Build Orc Burrow [otrb] Hotkey=Q // Build Altar of Storms [oalt] Hotkey=S // Build Spirit Lodge [osld] Hotkey=D // Build Beastiary [obea] Hotkey=F // Build Tauren Totem [otto] Hotkey=W // Build Voodoo Lounge [ovln] Hotkey=X // Berserk [absk] Hotkey=W // Purge [aprg] Hotkey=W [apg2] Hotkey=W // Lightning Shield [alsh] Hotkey=X // Bloodlust [ablo] Hotkey=C Unhotkey=C // Sentry Ward [aeye] Hotkey=W // Stasis Trap [asta] Hotkey=X // Healing Ward [ahwd] Hotkey=C // Spirit Link [aspl] Hotkey=W // Disenchant [adcn] Hotkey=X // Ancestral Spirit [aast] Hotkey=C // Corporeal Form [acpf] Hotkey=V Unhotkey=V [aetf] Hotkey=V // Ensnare [aens] Hotkey=W // Devour [adev] Hotkey=W // Unstable Concoction [auco] Hotkey=W Unhotkey=W // Upgrade to Stronghold/Fortress [ostr] Hotkey=W [ofrt] Hotkey=W // Research Pillage [ropg] Hotkey=E // Research Backpack [ropm] Hotkey=R // Research Brute Strength [robs] Hotkey=W // Research Troll Regeneration [rotr] Hotkey=X // Battle Stations [abtl] Hotkey=W // Stand Down [astd] Hotkey=X // Summon Blademaster [obla] Hotkey=W // Summon Tauren Chieftain [otch] Hotkey=C // Summon Far Seer [ofar] Hotkey=X // Shaman Training [rost] Hotkey=W,W,W // Witch Doctor Training [rowd] Hotkey=X,X,X // Research Liquid Fire [rolf] Hotkey=D // Research Ensnare [roen] Hotkey=W // Research Envenomed Spears [rovs] Hotkey=X // Spirit Walker Training [rowt] Hotkey=W,W,W // Upgrade Pulverize [rows] Hotkey=X // Purchase Purchase Healing Salve [hslv] Hotkey=A // Purchase Scroll of Speed [shas] Hotkey=E // Purchase Orb of Lightning [oli2] Hotkey=W // Purchase Tiny Great Hall [tgrh] Hotkey=X // Hero Abilities [cmdselectskill] Hotkey=F // Restore [arst] Hotkey=S Unhotkey=S // Gather [aaha] Hotkey=F Unhotkey=F // Summon Building [cmdbuildundead] Hotkey=W [aubu] Hotkey=W // Unsummon Building [auns] Hotkey=X // Sacrifice [alam] Hotkey=V // Cannibalize [acan] Hotkey=W // Gather [ahrl] Hotkey=F Unhotkey=F // Web [aweb] Hotkey=W Unhotkey=W // Burrow [abur] Hotkey=V Unhotkey=V // Stone Form [astn] Hotkey=W Unhotkey=W // Prioritize [aatp] Hotkey=S // Cannibalize [acn2] Hotkey=W // Load Corpse [amel] Hotkey=W Unhotkey=W // Drop All Corpses [amed] Hotkey=X // Attack Ground [cmdattackground] Hotkey=F // Raise Dead [arai] Hotkey=W Unhotkey=W // Unholy Frenzy [auhf] Hotkey=X // Cripple [acri] Hotkey=C // Curse [acrs] Hotkey=W Unhotkey=W // Anti-magic Shell [aam2] Hotkey=X // Possession [aps2] Hotkey=C // Essence of Blight [arpl] Hotkey=W Unhotkey=W // Spirit Touch [arpm] Hotkey=X Unhotkey=X // Morph into Destroyer [ubsp] Hotkey=V // Burrow [abu2] Hotkey=V Unhotkey=V [abu3] Hotkey=V // Research Backpack [rupm] Hotkey=R // Upgrade to Halls of the Dead/Black Citadel [unp1] Hotkey=W [unp2] Hotkey=W // Train Ghoul [ugho] Hotkey=A // Research Ghoul Frenzy [rugf] Hotkey=Q // Research Burrow [rubu] Hotkey=S // Research Stone Form [rusf] Hotkey=D // Research Cannibalize [ruac] Hotkey=W // Research Web [ruwb] Hotkey=X // Upgrade to Spirit Tower [uzg1] Hotkey=W // Upgrade to Nerubian Tower [uzg2] Hotkey=X // Summon Crypt Lord [ucrl] Hotkey=Q // Summon Death Knight [udea] Hotkey=W // Summon Dreadlord [udre] Hotkey=X // Summon Lich [ulic] Hotkey=C // Research Skeletal Mastery [rusm] Hotkey=Q // Necromancer Training [rune] Hotkey=W,W,W // Banshee Training [ruba] Hotkey=X,X,X // Train Meat Wagon [umtw] Hotkey=A // Research Exhume Corpsesg [ruex] Hotkey=W // Research Disease Cloud [rupc] Hotkey=X // Research Destroyer Form [rusp] Hotkey=C // Sacrifice [asac] Hotkey=A [undefined] Hotkey=W // Research Freezing Breath [rufb] Hotkey=W // Purchase Rod of Necromancy [rnec] Hotkey=A // Purchase Ritual Dagger [ritd] Hotkey=Z // Purchase Sacrificial Skull [skul] Hotkey=E // Purchase Orb of Corruption [ocor] Hotkey=W // Patrol [cmdpatrol] Hotkey=Q // Renew [aren] Hotkey=S Unhotkey=S // Gather [awha] Hotkey=F // Create Building [cmdbuildnightelf] Hotkey=W [aebu] Hotkey=W // Denotate [adtn] Hotkey=X // Shadowmeld [ashm] Hotkey=D // Mount Hippogryph [aco2] Hotkey=W // Sentinel [aesn] Hotkey=W // Abolish Magic [aadm] Hotkey=W Unhotkey=W // Roar [aroa] Hotkey=W [ara2] Hotkey=W // Rejuvenation [arej] Hotkey=X // Bear Form [abrf] Hotkey=V Unhotkey=V // Taunt [atau] Hotkey=W // War Club [agra] Hotkey=X // Pick up Archer [aco3] Hotkey=W // Dismount Archer [adec] Hotkey=W // Faerie Fire [afae] Hotkey=W Unhotkey=W [afa2] Hotkey=W // Cyclone [acyc] Hotkey=X // Storm Crow Form [arav] Hotkey=V Unhotkey=V // Research Nature’s Blessing [renb] Hotkey=E // Research Backpack [repm] Hotkey=R // Upgrade to Tree of Ages/Eternity [etoa] Hotkey=W [etoe] Hotkey=W // Entangle Gold Mine [aent] Hotkey=X // Load Wisp [slo2] Hotkey=W // Unload All [adri] Hotkey=X // Eat Tree [aeat] Hotkey=W // Research Marksmanship [remk] Hotkey=Q // Research Moon Glaive [remg] Hotkey=S // Research Improved Bows [reib] Hotkey=W // Research Sentinel [resc] Hotkey=X // Upgrade Moon Armor [rema] Hotkey=Q,Q,Q // Upgrade Reinforced Hides [rerh] Hotkey=S,S,S // Replenish Mana and Life [ambt] Hotkey=A Unhotkey=A // Summon Warden [ewar] Hotkey=Q // Summon Demon Hunter [edem] Hotkey=W // Summon Keeper of the Grove [ekee] Hotkey=X // Summon Priestess of the Moon [emoo] Hotkey=C // Research Mark of the Claw [reeb] Hotkey=S // Research Hardened Skin [rehs] Hotkey=D // Research Resistant Skin [rers] Hotkey=C // Druid of the Claw Training [redc] Hotkey=X,X,X // Research Abolish Magic [resi] Hotkey=W // Research Mark of the Talon [reec] Hotkey=S // Druid of the Talon Training [redt] Hotkey=X,X,X // Research Corrosive Breath [recb] Hotkey=W // Purchase Moonstone [moon] Hotkey=A // Purchase Lesser Clarity Potion [plcl] Hotkey=Z // Purchase Potion of Healing [phea] Hotkey=Q // Purchase Potion of Mana [pman] Hotkey=S // Purchase Staff of Preservation [spre] Hotkey=F // Purchase Orb of Venom [oven] Hotkey=W // Purchase Anti-magic Potion [pams] Hotkey=X [aro2] Hotkey=C [aroo] Hotkey=C // Gather [ahr3] Hotkey=F Unhotkey=F // Kaboom! [asds] Hotkey=W // Load [aloa] Hotkey=W // Unload All [adro] Hotkey=X // TaunT [anta] Hotkey=X // Blink [anbl] Hotkey=W // Frenzy [afzy] Hotkey=W // Hide [aihm] Hotkey=D [ans1] Hotkey=W [ans2] Hotkey=W [ans3] Hotkey=W [anc1] Hotkey=X [anc2] Hotkey=X [anc3] Hotkey=X // Summon Naga Sea Witch [nngs] Hotkey=Q // Summon Dark Ranger [nbrn] Hotkey=S // Summon Pandaren Brewmaster [npbm] Hotkey=D // Summon Firelord [nfir] Hotkey=F // Summon Pit Lord [nplh] Hotkey=W // Summon Beastmaster [nbst] Hotkey=X // Summon Tinker [ntin] Hotkey=C // Summon Alchemist [nalc] Hotkey=V // Hire Goblin Sapper [ngsp] Hotkey=A // Hire Goblin Zeppelin [nzep] Hotkey=Z // Hire Goblin Shredder [ngir] Hotkey=E // Reveal [andt] Hotkey=R // Hire Forest Troll Shadow Priest [nfsp] Hotkey=A // Hire Forest Troll Berserker [nftb] Hotkey=Z // Hire Ogre Mauler [nogm] Hotkey=E // Summon Mud Golem [ngrk] Hotkey=R // Purchase Boots of Speed [bspd] Hotkey=A // Purchase Periapt of Vitality [prvt] Hotkey=Z // Purchase Circlet of Nobility [cnob] Hotkey=E // Purchase Dust of Appearance [dust] Hotkey=R // Purchase Scroll of Protection [spro] Hotkey=Q // Purchase Potion of Invisibility [pinv] Hotkey=S // Purchase Scroll of Town Portal [stwp] Hotkey=D // Purchase Staff of Teleportation [stel] Hotkey=F // Purchase Tome of Retraining [tret] Hotkey=W // Purchase Scroll of Healing [shea] Hotkey=X // Blizzard [ahbz] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Summon Water Elemental [ahwe] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Brilliance Aura [ahab] Researchhotkey=E // Mass Teleport [ahmt] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Holy Light [ahhb] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Divine Shield [ahds] Hotkey=X Unhotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Devotion Aura [ahad] Researchhotkey=E // Resurrection [ahre] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Storm Bolt [ahtb] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Thunder Clap [ahtc] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Bash [ahbh] Researchhotkey=E // Avatar [ahav] Hotkey=V Unhotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Flame Strike [ahfs] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Banish [ahbn] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Siphon Mana [ahdr] Hotkey=C Researchhotkey=E // Phoenix [ahpx] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Wind Walk [aowk] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Mirror Image [aomi] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Bladestorm [aoww] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Chain Lightning [aocl] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Far Sight [aofs] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Feral Spirit [aosf] Hotkey=C Researchhotkey=E // Earthquake [aoeq] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Shockwave [aosh] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // War Stomp [aows] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Endurance Aura [aoae] Researchhotkey=E // Reincarnation [aore] Researchhotkey=R // Healing Wave [aohw] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Hex [aohx] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Serpent Ward [aosw] Hotkey=C Researchhotkey=E // Big Bad Voodoo [aovd] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Death Coil [audc] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Death Pact [audp] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Unholy Aura [auau] Researchhotkey=E // Animate Dead [auan] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Carrion Swarm [aucs] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Sleep [ausl] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Vampiric Aura [auav] Researchhotkey=E // Inferno [auin] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Frost Nova [aufn] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Frost Armor [aufu] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Dark Ritual [audr] Hotkey=C Researchhotkey=E // Death and Decay [audd] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Impale [auim] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Spiked Carapace [auts] Researchhotkey=Z // Carrion Beetles [aucb] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=E // Locust Swarm [auls] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Mana Burn [aemb] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Immolation [aeim] Hotkey=X Unhotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Evasion [aeev] Researchhotkey=E // Metamorphosis [aeme] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Entangling Roots [aeer] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Force of Nature [aefn] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Thorns Aura [aeah] Researchhotkey=E // Tranquility [aetq] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Scout [aest] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Searing Arrows [ahfa] Hotkey=X Unhotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Trueshot Aura [aear] Researchhotkey=E // Starfall [aesf] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Fan of Knives [aefk] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Blink [aebl] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Shadow Strike [aesh] Hotkey=C Researchhotkey=E // Vengeance [aesv] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Forked Lightning [anfl] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Frost Arrows [anfa] Hotkey=X Unhotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Mana Shield [anms] Hotkey=C Unhotkey=C Researchhotkey=E // Tornado [anto] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Silence [ansi] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Black Arrow [anba] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Life Drain [andr] Hotkey=C Researchhotkey=E // Charm [anch] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Breath of Fire [anbf] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Drunken Haze [andh] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Drunken Brawler [andb] Researchhotkey=E // Storm, Earth, and Fire [anef] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Summon Bear [ansg] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Summon Quilbeast [ansq] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Summon Hawk [answ] Hotkey=C Researchhotkey=E // Stampede [anst] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Pocket Factory [ansy] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A [ans1] Hotkey=W [ans2] Hotkey=W [ans3] Hotkey=W // Cluster Rockets [ancs] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z [anc1] Hotkey=X [anc2] Hotkey=X [anc3] Hotkey=X // Engineering Upgrade [aneg] Hotkey=E Researchhotkey=E // Robo-Goblin [anrg] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Rain of Fire [anrf] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Howl of Terror [anht] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Cleaving Attack [anca] Researchhotkey=E // Doom [ando] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Transmute [antm] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Acid Bomb [anab] Hotkey=C Researchhotkey=E // Chemical Rage [ancr] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Healing Spray [anhs] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Soul Burn [anso] Hotkey=W Researchhotkey=A // Summon Lava Spawn [anlm] Hotkey=X Researchhotkey=Z // Incinerate [ania] Hotkey=C Researchhotkey=E // Volcano [anvc] Hotkey=V Researchhotkey=R // Heal [ahea] Hotkey=W Unhotkey=W // Dispel Magic [adis] Hotkey=X // Inner Fire [ainf] Hotkey=C Unhotkey=C // Summon Necropolis [unpl] Hotkey=A // Summon Crypt [usep] Hotkey=Z // Haunt Gold Mine [ugol] Hotkey=E // Summon Graveyard [ugrv] Hotkey=R // Summon Ziggurat [uzig] Hotkey=Q // Summon Altar of Darkness [uaod] Hotkey=S // Summon Temple of the Damned [utod] Hotkey=D // Summon Slaughterhouse [uslh] Hotkey=F // Summon Sacrificial Pit [usap] Hotkey=W // Summon Boneyard [ubon] Hotkey=X // Summon Tomb of Relics [utom] Hotkey=C // Devour Magic [advm] Hotkey=W // Absorb Mana [aabs] Hotkey=X Buttonpos=1,2 UnButtonpos=1,2 // Orb of Annihilation [afak] Hotkey=V Unhotkey=V Buttonpos=3,2 UnButtonpos=3,2 // Create Moon Well [emow] Hotkey=Q // Create Altar of Elders [eate] Hotkey=S // Create Ancient of Lore [eaoe] Hotkey=D // Create Ancient of Wind [eaow] Hotkey=W // Create Chimaera Roost [edos] Hotkey=X // Create Ancient of Wonders [eden] Hotkey=C // Phase Shift [apsh] Hotkey=W Unhotkey=W // Mana Flare [amfl] Hotkey=X Unhotkey=X // Spirit of Vengeance [avng] Hotkey=W // Uproot [aro1] Hotkey=V Unhotkey=V Buttonpos=3,2 UnButtonpos=3,2 [aro2] Hotkey=V Buttonpos=3,2 UnButtonpos=3,2 [aroo] Hotkey=V Buttonpos=3,2 UnButtonpos=3,2 // Research Vorpal Blades [repb] Hotkey=C // Select User [anei] Hotkey=C Buttonpos=2,2 UnButtonpos=2,2 // Abolish Magic [acdm] Hotkey=W Buttonpos=0,2 UnButtonpos=0,2 // Heal [anh1] Hotkey=X Buttonpos=1,2 UnButtonpos=1,2 // Slow [acsw] Hotkey=W // Wind Walk [anwk] Hotkey=W Buttonpos=0,2 UnButtonpos=0,2 // Dispel Magic [adsm] Hotkey=X Buttonpos=1,2 UnButtonpos=1,2 // Cyclone [accy] Hotkey=C Buttonpos=2,2 UnButtonpos=2,2 // War Stomp [awrs] Hotkey=W Buttonpos=0,2 UnButtonpos=0,2 // Cripple [accr] Hotkey=C Buttonpos=2,2 UnButtonpos=2,2 // Rain of Fire [acrf] Hotkey=V Buttonpos=3,2 UnButtonpos=3,2 // Purchase Potion of Lesser Invulnerability [pnvl] Hotkey=V Buttonpos=3,2 UnButtonpos=3,2